
30 November 2014

Liebster Award

Hey guys,
So today I'm going to do the Liebster award. I got nominated for the Liebster award by dreamingofmint. Thank you so much for nominating me. Definitely check out her blog I'll leave a link to her blog below c:
So here we go :))
The Rules
♥ Give 11 Facts about yourself
♥ Answer the 11 questions given
♥ Nominate 11 other bloggers
♥ Set them 11 questions
♥ Put the award button on your site

11 Facts about me.
1) I'm British
2) I'm scared of dogs and cats
3) I'm learning Spanish at the moment and I used to learn French
4) I have an Indian ring neck parrot
5) My favourite colour is purple
6) I have brought every just dance game except for the new one. (getting it soon)
7) I love Disney
8) One of my favourite kids animated shows is my little pony
9) My favourite pancake toppings are ice cream and nutella
10)  My favourite season is Autumn
11) I love Zombie video games

My Answers

1) Favourite animal? Elephants
2) Favourite TV show? The Vampire diaries
3) What do you feel is your greatest achievement in your life so far? I don't really know
4) Favourite movie? Divergent
5) What is your favourite hobby? Origami
6) Favourite food? Waffles
7) Favourite animal? Elephants
8) Favourite place? United Kingdom
9) What is your best memory? I have many
10) What one place in the world to you want to travel to the most? New York
11) Create a new word + define it. Booracool. Something that is super cool. (random)

My nominations
(will add more)

My questions

♥ Why did you start blogging?
♥ What is your favourite season?
♥ Who is you favourite author and why?
♥ Cats or Dogs?
♥ Who is your favourite youtuber?
♥ Favourite clothing store?
♥ Yahoo or Gmail?
♥ Who is your favourite fictional character?
♥ Describe yourself in three words?
♥ Do you have any pets?
♥ What's your favourite animated film?

A big thanks again to Dreamingofmint
byeee guys :))


    Thank you so much for the comments! I love hearing for you!