
25 January 2015

How to easily get more tumblr Followers

Hey Guys
A bit of a different post today :O

Recently I have been gaining tons of tumblr followers just two days ago I had about 200 followers however now I'm nearly hitting the 400 mark. So today I'm going to show you how to easily get more tumblr followers. This works for both small and bigger tumblr blogs.

Tumblr is a microblogging platform and social networking website founded by David Karp and owned by Yahoo! Inc. Gaining followers at first can be a little tricky however this article will show  you how to be a pro at gaining followers.

1. Sticking to a theme
Sticking to a certain theme is bound to get you more followers as you will draw similar blogs to you blog. You also don't need to worry about 'unfollowers' as much when you stick to a certain them, as majority of the time you got followed because someone liked your theme. So this is one of the best options to get more followers. Stick to a theme that interests you otherwise over time you blog may slowly adapt into something else.

2. Following similar blogs.
Another really simple way to get followers is by following similar blogs. Not only will you get related posts on you dashboard; you'll probably get a follow back. Doing this is a extremely simple way to get followers without clogging up your dashboard.

3. Follow for Follow.
Follow for Follow is basically when you follow someone and they follow you back. It's quite similar to the last way in which you can gain followers-but instead this does clog up your dashboard with things you most likely won't be interested in. To find people who follow you back all you have to do is type in 'follow for follow' or 'follow back' in the Tumblr search bar and follow the accounts claiming to follow back. Normally they follow pretty quickly-you can always unfollow them if they don't follow back.

4. Using Free follower Sites.
There's a load of sites which can gain you loads of followers per day. One of the best sites in my opinion is Infinite follow. All you have to do is follow other blogs to earn points and plug your blog every two minutes. If you earn enough points you may be featured in the top users. However the points reset every day.This is another extremely use full way to find similar blogs and promote your blog.

5. Blog Apperance and activness.
This might seem a little obvious but creating a beautiful blog with good content posts and frequently posting will actually make you more likely to be followed. No one likes a messy blog which is never active only posting once a week. Therefore, Queing posts will help you be active and keep your followers intrested. This method is one of the most easiet and doesn't take much time. 

6. Asking for promotions or blog rates.
Many tumblr users who have a lot of followers often do promotions where you have to follow certain blogs and like the post to get promoted. When they promote you- you could gain loads of new followers. Another simple way to get followers is by asking for blog rates. A blog rate is where your blog gets rated by somebody that's not you. When people click on the blog rate they might even follow you account. Feel free to ask me for a blog rate here.
I hope you enjoyed this random post.
You can follow me tumblr account here if you like.
I'll always follow back if you ask :)
Feel free to ask any questions below or on my tumblr ask page.

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