I've not blogged in ages and I feel really annoyed with myself for not publishing some new posts- so today I'm just going to explain a little bit about that and what is going on with this blog. So Thank you for reading if your reading this.
I've been feeling pretty dis satisfied (if that's a word) with this blog lately and because of that I decided to finally give my blog an extreme makeover. I've actually already started by reverting some of my extremely old embarrassing posts back to drafts and soon you should see some change in the design to. I'm really excited to actually start making major changes to this blog as I've never actually done any extremely huge changes- so I don't know what to expect from the process.
Posting schedule
I haven't posted in what feels like ages because I've been so wrapped up in studying and revision which I do put at the top of my priority list however, I've decided to now post less frequently and instead when I do post- I want to give you guys better content and posts which I feel really good and proud about when I post them.
Looking for guest bloggers
I really want some guest bloggers to widen the categories of this blog. If your interested in guest blogging leave me a comment below or contact me however you like (I have a contact from by the way) and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.