
25 May 2015

How to live a healthier more Posative life in 5 steps.

I would say that I'm a fairly positive happy person. There are those day however, where I'm just grumpy and groggy and feel slobbish. Nevertheless, I'm going to be showing you 10 tips on how you can live a more positive and healthy life. Most of these are common sense however, they are seriously overlooked. Hope you enjoy this post.
It's a well known fact a good night's rest is going to make you feel less groggy and more energised in the morning. Making your whole day better. Not getting enough sleep is also linked with weight gain- so why not just try sleeping an extra 30 minutes per day.
The benefits of water is overlooked by so many people- it's crazy. Drinking an extra few glasses of water per day can help you feel more awake and alert. Drinking more water also keeps your body working properly and makes you less likely to get headaches.
Cut as much sugar and foods high in fat as possible and replace them with fruit and veg. Generally, brightly coloured fruits contain Anti-oxidants which remove bad chemicals from our cells- making you feel better and healthier.
I don't know about you but I feel way better about myself and more happier in general when I've a had an active day. Now I don't mean you have to exercise for two hours straight. You just need to move more- whether that means taking the stairs instead of the lift or simply walking round your house more. Not only does this make you feel better it helps keep you in shape.
Why nor get some fresh air it's free at the end of the air. Fresh air not only helps improve your heart rate and blood pressure it increases the amount of oxygen you inhale making you feel happier.


  1. Leave your blog links below. I'll check them all out :)

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  3. Hey,
    you sad one month ago, that you can help people with this themplate.

    And now i have a problem, i want to remove this box "ABOUT POST AUTHOR". I am already searching for 2 hours but i cant find it in the html. code.

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    My Blog : aboyslife365.blogspot.com

  4. Hey,
    you sad one month ago, that you can help people with this themplate.

    And now i have a problem, i want to remove this box "ABOUT POST AUTHOR". I am already searching for 2 hours but i cant find it in the html. code.

    I hope that you can help me.

    My Blog : aboyslife365.blogspot.com

  5. Hey, you sad a month ago, that you can help people with their blogs.
    I have a problem with this theme http://www.soratemplates.com/2015/03/fresh-blog-blogger-templates.html.

    I want to remove the Box "ABOUT POST AUTHOR", i searched for 2 hours in the html code, but didnt´t find anything.

    I hope that you can help me.
    My Blog: http://aboyslife365.blogspot.de/


    1. Hey there. Unfortunately, I think you can't remove the about author box likewise the 'download this theme' box which comes up when using the free version of the theme. If I find a solution I'll get back to you on your blog however, if your using the premium version of the theme you could contact sora templates for free.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Great tips. Thanks for sharing!


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