
22 October 2015

The Pointless Book by Alfie Deyes | New Blog Series #1

I purchased 'The pointless book' by Alfie Deyes a while ago now however, I've never attempted any of the pages. Until now. That is why Today, I'm introducing my brand new series called the- pointless book | pointless blogging. It's going to be a bit like my Wreck this journal series which you can also check out- but it's the more pointless version (I have no idea what I'm on about).

I'm going to be including all my completed pages, things I used and another other pointless things which I'm just going to tell you; for no reason apparent. So make sure you check out the next post for this series which should be up soon. Plus Make sure to tell me if you've purchased  'The pointless book' or if you watch Alfie's videos
See you soon.



  1. This is such a great series. x I can't wait to see what you have in store!
    ~ Sanjana


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